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Visual merchandising: The What, Why, and How

Visual merchandising: The What, Why, and How

While it's often said that we shouldn't "judge a book by its cover," our initial visual impressions inevitably shape our perceptions and shopping preferences. 

This is precisely why retail spaces are so meticulously designed, from the layout of the floor to the arrangement of displays, creating an inviting and visually appealing atmosphere. But effective visual merchandising becomes equally crucial for the online shopping experience. It extends the brand’s image and narrative, ensuring that every online interaction reflects the aesthetic and ethos of the physical experience.


What is visual merchandising?

Visual merchandising is more than just the art of displaying products; it's a critical component of the marketing strategy for engaging customers and enhancing the retail experience. When implemented efficiently, it can increase store traffic, boost sales, and build customer loyalty. 

Successful visual merchandising takes care of everything from the store layout and product placement to the lighting and decor. It combines strategy and creativity with visual marketing to present products in a way that creates interest and stimulates customers to make a purchase. 

In physical stores, visual merchandising aims to make your store aesthetically pleasing while improving the shopping experience for customers, and encouraging repeat visits. It allows visual merchandisers to effectively convey your brand's story and values, and strengthen brand image and recognition without saying a word.

For large retail chains, implementing the same visual merchandising elements and store layouts in their retail space—product showcasing and store layout—is crucial for creating an informed shopping experience that reflects the brand's identity throughout all their locations.  This consistency sets the tone for the customer’s journey, making your brand memorable and positively influencing consumer behavior. 

But as customers’ preferences continue to evolve, leveraging various visual merchandising tools becomes increasingly important for creating shopping experiences that resonate with diverse customers globally.


Elements of visual merchandising

Visual merchandising is made up of several key elements and components. Put together, they create an inviting and efficient shopping environment. Then combined, these elements entice customers to make a purchase. Understanding the role of each element in the overall shopping experience can significantly enhance brand image and recognition, and influence sales.

Window display

Window displays are the storefront's visual entry point, designed to grab the attention of passersby. These displays can set the tone for the brand, have consistent themes, and follow important trends in the target market. And oftentimes, the store window is the determining component that entices customers to enter the store and explore further.

Store layout and design

The store layout and design are crucial as they help guide the customer journey. It involves sectioning the store, aisle arrangements, and merchandise organization, to lead product discovery and smooth flow through the store. Effective store design is intuitive and aligns with natural shopping behaviors, encouraging interaction with products. 


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Product display

Product displays are used to strategically place and highlight key merchandise, such as new arrivals and best-sellers. Good product placement ensures high visibility for promotional items on sales floor and can influence buying decisions. Techniques like  creating displays, grouping complementary products and using signage can guide customers and provide information that enhances the buying experience.

Seasonal displays

Arranging displays according to seasonal themes can refresh the store environment. It creates a more dynamic experience, aligned with upcoming holidays, consumer moods, and trends. Seasonal displays can transform the shopping atmosphere, making it more dynamic, visually appealing, and strategically effective, which in turn can boost seasonal sales.


Visual merchandising strategies

A robust visual merchandising strategy employs visual stimuli and a variety of techniques to attract customers, maintain interest, and engage shoppers. It combines aesthetics and functionality to engage customers and promote brand loyalty.

Merchandising techniques

Effective merchandising is more than just displaying products. It’s about using visual storytelling to create a connection with shoppers. By utilizing a mix of colors, lighting, different props, and incorporating sensory elements like scents and sounds, brands can create a strong impact, to further attract customers and enhance the retail space. 

Brand visuals

Maintaining a consistent visual style throughout the store, the online store, and across all marketing channels helps reinforce brand identity and fosters customer loyalty. Well-chosen visuals can communicate brand values and identity, enhancing brand recognition, and creating a deeper connection with customers.

Customer engagement

Modern merchandising techniques focus on engaging customers through interactive and immersive in-store experiences. For example, using interactive digital displays and 3D visualization software can turn shopping into an enjoyable personalized experience, encouraging longer visits and increased sales.


Online visual merchandising

Just like in-store visual merchandising, online visual merchandising is a combination of visual marketing and strategic arrangement and presentation of products on e-commerce platforms. It plays a critical role in keeping customers interested and engaged, adapting to preferences that favor convenience, speed, and visual appeal.

What makes it incredibly important and powerful is that it can be personalized. A prime example is a furniture business that uses 3D product visualization to enhance its online merchandising, offering customers an immersive shopping experience that closely mimics in-store interactions.


Online visual merchandising techniques

Effective online visual merchandising employs various techniques to captivate and engage online shoppers, ensuring that each digital interaction mirrors the allure, store design, and persuasiveness of physical shopping.


Product visuals on the home page

In retail, first impressions are crucial. While in physical stores, visual merchandising starts with the window display, in online stores it starts with the home page. High-quality images on the homepage serve as the initial touchpoint for visitors, setting the tone for the browsing experience. 

For instance, Yardbird uses a combination of static and dynamic content, to prominently display the products on the home page. The images show the products in realistic settings to immediately draw attention and engage potential buyers.




Visually consistent product feed

Just like you would keep a consistent store layout in a physical store to establish trust,  creating a visually consistent product feed and a clean website layout are essential for ensuring ease of navigation and a smooth shopping experience. Having all product images follow a uniform style and quality is just one way to enhance the overall aesthetic of the site.

A great example of this is &Tradition’s product page where website visitors can take a look at all products available for purchase, along with brief product information, including name, type, designer, and variants, and apply filters to view only the products they are interested in.




Engaging product details page

A product details page should allow visitors to learn everything they can about a product. Providing detailed descriptions, high-resolution images, zoom capabilities, 360 views, and lifestyle imagery allows customers to explore products thoroughly. But the ability to see the product in different colors or fabrics does not give the full picture when shopping for furniture.

That’s why the Canadian furniture store EQ3 takes its product pages to the next level by implementing augmented reality. By using their phones, perspective shoppers can get a realistic view of how a product, a table, or sofa would look in their own space. All of this takes out the guesswork and makes choosing the right product easier and more enjoyable.




Relevant product recommendations

Smartly integrated product recommendations can enhance the shopping experience by suggesting relevant products or accessories, shown through engaging visuals and links that encourage further exploration. Another more advanced technique available in online stores could be a personalized layout based on who is visiting. Depending on where the visitor is in their buyer journey, product recommendations can change or the other elements of content can be reordered.

This will make product discovery easier, while gently nudging the visitor to a cross-sell or upsell. For example, Knoll, a furniture retailer, strategically places product recommendations in the middle of their product pages with sections like “You may also need” and “You may also like”. These recommendations showcase combinations of products that complement the one currently open, making it easier for visitors to envision ideas and create product combinations.




Seamless checkout experience

A seamless checkout process is vital for conversion. When customers encounter a streamlined, intuitive checkout, they are more likely to complete the purchase. Transparent pricing, high-quality thumbnails, and smart recommendations at the checkout can reaffirm buyer decisions and potentially increase average order value.

Guest checkout, progress indicators, and one-page checkout can further decrease cart abandonment rates, increase trust, and ensure a smooth and appealing end to the shopping journey. Take, for instance, Monte’s checkout page—a simple design that eliminates guesswork for the next steps. Additionally, product recommendations at the bottom make it fast and easy to add related items to the cart.




Impact of visual merchandising

Visual merchandising significantly shapes the retail business landscape by influencing consumer behavior and driving business growth. It shapes the aesthetic appeal of a brand and its stores, while strongly influencing customer behavior and sales performance. 

Through a skillful combination of design elements, like light, color, layout, and display, good visual merchandising can help businesses create an environment that both entices and guides the customer journey. But the impact of great visual merchandising also extends beyond immediate consumer interactions.

It also helps in building brand loyalty and identity, ultimately influencing long-term business growth and market competitiveness. Due to its ability to affect both, the psychological and behavioral responses of shoppers, visual merchandising is an essential tool for achieving sustained retail success.


Consumer purchase behavior

Visual merchandising directly impacts the customer's attention. It influences how consumers perceive and interact with products, and make purchasing decisions. Effective visual cues can enhance product appeal and create a sense of urgency, motivating customers to act quickly and decisively.

Additionally, well-placed visual cues can guide consumers toward featured products and promotions in the retail and department stores, significantly boosting the likelihood of impulse buys and increasing overall customer engagement within the store.

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Sales and business growth

Strategic visual merchandising with well-organized and appealing layouts, regularly stocked shelves, and front-facing inventory enhances the shopping experience, leading to increased retail sales. It can also help companies gather data and track the correlation between display techniques and sales outcomes, enabling them to fine-tune strategies for maximal impact.


Best practices for efficient visual merchandising

Implementing best practices in visual merchandising ensures maximal impact with cost efficiency. These practices include a range of strategies, including maintaining visual consistency, optimizing resources to align with customer preferences, and more. 

Implementing these techniques not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the store but also helps attract customers, and improves the overall experience, driving higher engagement and more sales.


Cohesive and visually appealing store environment

A unified aesthetic that reflects the brand’s identity appeals directly to the same target customer and audience, enhancing customer experience. Consistency across all visual elements—such as color schemes, signage, window displays, display fixtures, and lighting—ensures that every part of the retail store communicates the same brand message.

This unified look and feel makes the store more attractive while building brand recognition and loyalty. When customers feel a connection with the brand through a visually consistent shopping experience, they are more likely to return and make repeat purchases.


Optimizing resources for cost-effective implementation

Maximizing visual impact without overspending involves strategic use of resources. For example, using versatile fixtures and modular display systems allows for easy reconfiguration, enabling the store to update its look frequently without making additional expenses.

Moreover, sourcing materials and props by partnering with local suppliers or repurposing existing elements, can reduce costs. Digital tools and software can also aid in planning and visualizing the store displays and layouts before actual implementation, saving time and minimizing errors.


Aligning visual merchandising with target audience preferences

Understanding and catering to customer preferences is crucial. This involves tailoring visual elements, and the overall shopping process to align with shoppers’ tastes and expectations. This extends to implementing new technologies in brick-and-mortar stores which allow retailers to invite customers, meet demand, and enrich the buying experience. Data shows that 59% of customers want to have the ability to visualize their chosen color/finish on an interactive screen.  What do shoppers want to be able to do in-store - Furniture News - Chaos Cylindo

Taking into consideration and implementing these preferences enhances engagement and satisfaction. Following relevant retail industry trends and staying up-to-date with your customers’ shopping preferences provide valuable guidance and take out the guesswork on what your next upgrades should be.


Free report: The profile of a modern furniture shopper


Creating a delightful shopping experience online and in-store

An engaging shopping experience across all channels of the retail store, that seamlessly moves from online to in-store and vice versa, is crucial for modern retailing. In-store, interactive displays and immersive environments can enhance the merchandising space and shopping experience, making it more enjoyable. 

On the other hand, the use of dynamic banners and advanced technologies such as 3D product visualizations or augmented reality on your website provides lifelike views, allowing customers to explore products in detail just as they would be able to do in-store.  Providing a cohesive and engaging experience across all touchpoints helps build a stronger connection and a more memorable interaction. It can also be a significant competitive advantage.


Regular updates to keep displays fresh and engaging

Frequent updates to visual merchandising elements, like your window displays, keep the experience fresh and relevant. Reflecting seasonal changes and current trends helps maintain continual customer interest and engagement.

Additionally, creating promotional campaigns that follow holidays, seasonal events, sales events, and new product launches keeps the store more dynamic and engages customers. Planning ahead and scheduling these updates can help visual merchandisers manage their efforts more efficiently.


Real-world example of visual merchandising success

Visual merchandising is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance customer engagement and drive sales.  

One standout example is Heal’s, a renowned furniture retailer with over 200 years of tradition. Heal’s partnered with Cylindo to improve their visual merchandising, integrating high-definition 3D product visualization both online and in-store.


Heal’s utilized Cylindo’s technology to showcase various finishes and upholstery options, allowing customers to visualize and interact with products in a detailed and immersive way. They are also using Cylindo to populate product imagery across the website and in print materials. 

The implementation of advanced visual merchandising techniques had a notable impact on Heal’s business. The use of Cylindo’s 3D visualization technology resulted in increased conversion rates and reduced product returns.


Heals product page experience

Customers were able to see realistic representations of products, which minimized the likelihood of returns due to mismatched expectations. Additionally, the consistent visual experience across online and in-store platforms reinforced brand loyalty and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Heal’s stands out as an excellent case of a successful combination of traditional retail strategies with cutting-edge technology for visual merchandising success. By implementing 3D product visualization, Heal’s significantly improved their online presence and created a consistent and engaging customer experience across all touchpoints. This approach highlights the potential benefits of visual merchandising used to drive business growth and improve overall customer satisfaction.


Transform your furniture business with visual merchandising

Effective visual merchandising is a vital component of retail success, combining strategy and creativity to enhance customer experience, both online and in-store, and drive sales. When done correctly, visual merchandising significantly boosts engagement and builds customer loyalty. 

Staying competitive involves adopting the latest trends, like integrating advanced technologies such as 3D visualization, to transform traditional merchandising approaches and yield substantial benefits for repeat business. To explore how to use Cylindo as part of your visual merchandising strategy, book a demo today and discover the possibilities for your business.



What is the difference between traditional visual merchandising and online visual merchandising?

The key difference between traditional and online visual merchandising is the space where it happens. Traditional merchandising focuses on the physical arrangements of the store like floor design and layout, windows, and product displays. On the other hand, online visual merchandising involves translating these concepts across digital platforms by using streamlined product feeds, high-quality visuals, 3D visualizations, and augmented reality to showcase product details and create an engaging online shopping experience.  


What is the difference between retail and merchandising?

Retail refers to the sale of goods directly to consumers through various channels, such as stores or online platforms. Merchandising involves the activities and strategies to promote and sell products, including product selection, display, pricing, and marketing to maximize sales and improve the customer experience.


How can you improve visual merchandising?

You can improve visual merchandising by creating coordinated and appealing displays throughout the store, using high-quality visuals, incorporating interactive and sensory elements into store windows, regularly updating windows and product displays to reflect trends and seasons, and aligning strategies with customer preferences. Additionally, implementing technologies like augmented reality and 3D visualization can enhance the overall shopping experience, both online and in-store.

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About Author

Ivana Sarandeska
Ivana Sarandeska

Ivana is a versatile digital marketer, writer, and tech enthusiast. When not immersed in content writing or crafting the next campaign, you’ll find her exploring the latest trends and new tools, working out, or unwinding with a book.

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